
Starting from the Beginning - What is a Disability?

Yesterday the Conservative Disability Group had the opportunity to be published within ConservativeHome discussing representation, accessibility, the work we are doing with the Party centrally, and the upcoming #Ability2Win project.

My Inspiration From The Paralympic Games By Charlie Keeble

The Olympic Games is a powerful event that embodies the spirit and aspirations of people around the world. What I love about it is the way it celebrates a diversity of human strength and endurance through the different sports it hosts.

WeThe15 - A Global Campaign to end Disability Discrimination by 2030

In monumental news for the disabled rights movement, organisations across the globe have officially banded together to launch what they state to be “the biggest ever human rights movement”, promoting equality, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion across the world for the 1.2 billion people liv

The National Disability Strategy

The government has today published the National Disability Strategy, which aims to remove barriers for disabled people to participate fully in society.